Monday, July 6, 2009

54th Annual 4th of July Makawao Rodeo

Paniolos from around the State travel to Makawao Maui for the 54th annual Makawao Rodeo.
Situated in Oskie Rice Arena in beautiful Up-country Makawao area, you are surrounded by beautiful green rolling hills. At around 2,000 feet elevation, on the slopes of Haleakala the Norfolk Pine and Eucalyptus trees line Olinda road as you approach. The stunning Jacaranda's purple blossom adds color to the scenery.

4th of July in Makawao - Parade

Aloha! The 4th of July weekend is "RODEO" to the max! Up-Country, Makawao, Maui is the place to be. Friday night starts with the "BULL BASH". Two hours of bull riding under the stars. Saturday morning, down Mainstreet Makawao is one of the biggest parades in the state.
Friday, Sat and Sunday afternoons is Rodeo in the Oskie Rice Arena. Paniolos (cowboys) from around the state compete in one of the bigeest Rodeo's in the State.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Trail Ride

A Great day for a Trail ride! Mild wind, blue sky's and good company. Bailey and Kalae take Linda and Trish for a ride.

Summer solstis photo contest - Maui

Assignment: Illustrate a day in the life of your horse.