I was gone most of April. Had a great time in Prescott Arizona. It was beautiful weather. Sunny but in the 30's in the morning and warming up to light jacket weather in the afternoon. Toured and saw Montezuma's well and another Nearby Anasazi ruin "tuizicoot" sp? It had amazing walls perched on a hill overlooking the Verde river and the snow capped Mingus Mountains in the distance. Breakfast in charming Jerome. Hiked in the Dells. Taught some riding lessons. Trailer to Phoenix to the Vet. Went to Prescott's museum which was very interesting and the time flew by there. Target shooting out on the range with Annie Oakley and Dead eye. A day of fishing on Lake Pleasant. Zooming across the lake, wind in your hair was fun. Of course everyone was in t-shirts and shorts except for me in long johns, jeans, turtle neck and a vest. It was cold for a Hawaiian! We came across a island where the blue herons were nesting. We emptied the cooler out in the grass that afternoon and the ice didn't melt. Hello I was not imagining the cold! Thunder tolerated giving me a driving lesson. Wait not over the side of the arena! Movies, Italian resturant,good food and most importantly good friends. I had a great time visiting everyone.