I flew from Kahului Maui, north along the Hana coast on a clear afternoon. Arriving in Kona 30 minutes later to unusually clear vog-less sky's. We had a 35 minute ride to Waikoloa to check out our project for the next 10 days and then another 30 minutes to Waimea where we would be staying with my sister. Hualalai, Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea dominate the landscape. Lava fields remind you just how young this island is.
The project is to repair my rental home which the renters trashed. My cousin Mike from Las Vegas is leading this team of neophytes. We demo'ed the bathroom, ripped out carpet, cleaned the yard and painted, painted everything. New kitchen cabinet faces, new stove and new refrigerator. Unbelievable this had all been done just a few years prior with the renters managing to destroy it in short order. I mean my stove at home is 21 years old and still looks new. The insurance Co has refused to pay saying it is maintenance issue.
One afternoon an hour before quitting time it began to get darker and darker. The sky was black. Dad wisely said, lets pack up as flashes of lightning and thunder roared overhead. It was pouring by the time we headed uphill. Debris had crossed the highway and streams were flowing down from Mauna Kea. The road was closed behind us. Michael tried to sleep out on the porch but moved inside during the night. The next morning Mauna Kea was snow capped.