A few years ago the Maui County counsel passed a resolution that no more roosters and chickens could be kept in residential areas. Hawaii has a long tradition of fighting cocks. The little A framed coops "crowded" back yards and many neighbors complained. With the new ordnance thousands of these back yard fowl were simply released. Hence a population explosion. I have been inundated by these chickens. A good point is no more centipedes. But birds and horses are not a good idea due to the birds carrying salmonella. Well about 3 weeks ago the colorful fighting cocks made a raid on "The Big Black Roosters" territory. He has the feed room area. All the Hens like him and I guess I do too. He has a stump foot where I think the horses stepped on his toes when he was young. But he isn't pushy and he picks up bugs and feeds them to his hens.
Well he was bloody, blinded and clearly going to be killed. I threw a towel over him and placed him in the dog cage. After a week of eating cracked corn 3X a day he came out of the cage as the king. He has his feed room area back and all his hens too. Now he sleeps in the dog house and comes to soft clucking. Last week he was in the round pen with Rupert.
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