It has been raining for a week! Thunder and lightning and Lots of MUD!! The horses are wanting out, out, out of this mud! I did squeeze in 2 rides as my arena drains quickly. Kinda cool listening to the rhythmic hoof beats in the damp arena. Mesmerizing!
I worked in Hana on the 30th. It was nasty weather. I could hardly see the road on the drive out in the morning. Lots of Waterfalls! In fact as I rounded one corner this mammoth waterfall was seemingly 100 feet wide thundering under a small old 50 foot bridge. How does that one lane bridge stay there? I better go fast across it. At 8 pm we get a Obstetrical call. I'll do any kind of call, I deliver foals, puppy's and cats... I dread delivering humans. Oh sure it is super easy and leaves you feeling great if everything goes as planned. But when it goes wrong, it is a long way to the hospital! And when your in Hana its like being on another island from the hospital. OK lets fly her out. Yes, I know it is pouring rain... dang they are not flying tonight. Now we have a 2.5 hour drive in pouring rain on a winding one lane road. I am praying there are no landslides or tree's down. The physician says "You better go." 30 seconds later I have her strapped on my gurney and I'm wheeling out the door. "Where are you going?" questions the physician. "You said Go, I'm gone". Wait I have to make some more phone calls. We handed off our Pt to the mid way relay ambulance and they did indeed make it to the hospital!
It has been fun having friends and family over. This year went by way too quickly.
New Years resolution; stretching and strengthening exercises and be diligent taking those vitamins.... I brought my body blade to work today and it is still leaning against the wall. :) Have a great 2009!
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